Time for a checkup!
The Questions:
- “How can I motivate my employees more?”
- “How can I inspire my team, my peers, even if things are not going so well right now?
- “If necessary, how do I change my way to communicate?”
- “What can I achieve and what do I want to achieve?” This week? In five years?
The answers are as diverse as the people in managerial positions. It depends on WHO asks these questions. This is exactly where I start to work with my clients.
Why should you work with me?
I have 25 years’ experience as an actress, a business woman and a founder. I can support you in finding ways to combine your values, potential and goals into a unique managerial style.
Using provocative questioning on one hand, and being a sparring partner and team player on the other, I focus on the goals set. I work systemically. I don’t teach you anything and I don’t train you to do anything. Instead, I respect you as an individual. I invite you to meet your challenges creatively. And I prefer to use the learning by experience method.
How does it work?
Based on reconstructed real situations we use improvisation & acting techniques. This always causes the right questions to manifest. The insight that you have more potential than you thought is a natural next step.
It doesn’t matter if you have just started on your journey as a manager or if you are already experienced and successful in your position: You don’t play just one single role as a manager in your every day life on the job. You are a lot more than “the sum of your parts”.
What happens?
You will find out about new options for your behavior through experiential means and then profit from this experience. Long-term!
Get in touch.
Please contact me for an initial personal conversation. At no cost or obligation to you. Then we will see whether we can successfully work together.
E-mail me now: info(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)klares-coaching.de
Or call: +49 177 521 62 70
If you’re interested, I can send you personal references given by my clients.